Here you can see all the Ordinal Edgehogs you own, reroll them, claim inscriptions and download images.
CLAIM: Submit your ordinals-compatible bitcoin wallet address to claim a Bitcoin Ordinal for an Edgehog you own. Once we have the address, it will be inscribed to your ordinals wallet shortly. Inscriptions are done in batches, it might take a while but shouldn't take longer than a day. Each Ordinal Edgehog can be only claimed once, by its current owner. You get to keep your Eth-based Edgehog after claim, as it will be required for the future mint.
REROLL: Rerolling will completely re-generate your edgehog on the fly. Rerolling is FREE (gas only) but only works until all edgehogs mint out and has a limit per wallet.
Here you can see all the OG Edgehogs you own, reroll them, rename them, and download images.
REROLL: Rerolling will completely re-generate your edgehog on the fly. Edgendaries can not be rerolled, nor can be rerolled for. You can reroll any regular edgehog you own any number of times, but the total number of rerolls is limited across the collection. Rerolling costs 0.01 ETH